Thank you to all the volunteers and staffers who worked enthusiastically to make this an amazing convention. We also wish to thank all the attendees who donated to the Red Cross: Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami relief fund. The total donation for charity is $36,243.84, additional details are available on the forum [posting].
Alas our chairman, Kale is stepping down after five years of developing Anime Detour into what we are today, a family. At closing ceremonies Kale transferred the duties to Gifford, but not before much joy and sadness was shared with our Guests of Honor and attendees. Gifford gave Kale the last red t-shirt from year one. Soon, the new chairman proclaimed the theme for Anime Detour 2012: It came from Japan! *Godzilla Roars*
The [Feedback] and [Lost & Found] forms are now available for use. Thank you again for such a fun and amazing convention. ~TJ