Announcement pertaining to Anime Detour 2021

Anime Detour Announcement


April 13th 2017, 13:08 UTC

Thank you all once again for being a part of a wonderful convention year. This year we raised over $26,000 for the American Red Cross, saved lives with a fully booked blood drive, had a live concert for the first time in years, and had our highest attendance yet.

When writing these posts we have a tendency to say this couldn't happen without you. This often sounds a little hokey but it is the honest truth from the bottom of all of our hearts.

As we move this year, for the fourth time since our beginning, we know there will be a lot of questions. We do have some already set and answered on our moving page. We know there will be more. Everything will continue to be updated as we get closer to moving into our new location. Please reach out to us with your concerns, we're listening and here.